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Advenio eAcademy


Established in 2013, Advenio eAcademy is a Higher Education Institution (HEI) based in Malta, (MFHEA Licence number: 2013-FHI-0006) which caters for an international clientele of discerning educational service providers and learners.

Marsaxlokk village harbor of Malta, illuminated by sunset light

Established in 2013, Advenio eAcademy is a Higher Education Institution (HEI) based in Malta, (MFHEA Licence number: 2013-FHI-0006) which caters for an international clientele of discerning educational service providers and learners.

Advenio eAcademy is a Higher Education Institution (HEI) based in Malta, (MFHEA Licence number: 2013-FHI-0006) which caters for an international clientele of discerning educational service providers and learners. It provides the opportunity for participating educational institutions and training organisations to move beyond the constraints of physical premises. It allows them to embrace a virtual campus which allows for the development and deployment of state-of-the-art educational and training programmes that really add value to the students.

Advenio eAcademy is the first higher educational institution (HEI) in Malta licensed by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), to provide on-line certified courses. The e-learning platform used is the award-winning EBLearn solution developed and maintained by E-Business Systems, the web solutions arm of AllSecure Ltd. EBLearn provides resource libraries, audio-visual and video presentations, forum and wiki capabilities, and integrates video conferencing facilities to allow for one-to-one or one-to-many coaching or tutorial sessions.

The EBLearn platform provides a virtual campus that allows for the development and deployment of state-of-the-art educational and training programmes that really add value to the students and the stakeholders. Critical to the success of Advenio eAcademy is the student-centric approach adopted in all its operations. It is driven by a team of professionals determined to harness technology and partner networks to develop and deliver top quality programmes cost and time effectively, ensuring added value to students. Since its inception Advenio eAcademy has had a track record of international collaboration to seek best practices in elearning.

Valletta, Malta - The traditional houses and walls of Valletta, the capital city of Malta on an early summer morning before sunrise with clear blue sky

In the past couple of years, Advenio eAcademy has established strategic collaborations and partnerships with key stakeholders such as Malta Communications Authority, Malta Institute for Professional Photographers, SOS Malta and TradeMalta in developing and delivering high quality online education. Advenio eAcademy continues to seek local and international partnerships for collaboration with higher educational institutes and commercial partners that seek to exploit and leverage the power of elearning to add value to the various adult student groups.

Critical to the success of Advenio eAcademy is the student-centric approach adopted in all its operations. It is driven by a team of professionals determined to harness technology and partner networks to develop and deliver top quality programmes cost and time effectively, ensuring added value to students. Since its inception Advenio eAcademy has had a track record of international collaboration to seek best practices in elearning.

Accreditation and Certification

The courses offered by Advenio eAcadeny are deemed by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority in Malta formerly known as National Commission of Higher and Further Educationas, to be equivalent to the Malta Qualifications Framework under the European Qualifications Framework. The Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) assists in making the Maltese qualifications system easier to understand and review, and more transparent at a national and international level. This is also a referencing tool that helps to describe and compare both national and foreign qualifications to promote quality, transparency and mobility of qualifications in all types of education.

It is mainly referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) as well as to other non-European qualifications frameworks. The reference levels make it easier to understand what a learner with a qualification related to the Malta Qualifications Framework knows, understands and is able to do.

Advenio eAcademy’s courses are also EU recognised through the ECTS credits allocated to each course. The accreditation of the course provides the quality assurance and the recognition of the course within the EU.

MFHEA acts as a broker between the government and relevant Higher Education Institutions and has successfully established a structured dialogue, through a series of regular consultations with all stakeholders to take on suggestions, recommendations and address concerns for the sector. These would serve as input towards the development of national strategies.

ECTS credits act as a quality assurance policy which establishes a point of reference for recognition and esteem. The recognition of credits enables learners to obtain recognition of the learning outcomes achieved in different countries without the need of re-assessment.

ECTS is a credit system based on the learning achievements and workload of a course, students can transfer their ECTS credits from one university to another so they are added up to contribute to an individual’s degree programme or training. Therefore upon presentation of the accredited certificate, employers will have a clearer picture of the student’s achievements within the national and European framework of qualifications.

E-Learning Platform – eB-Learn

Since 2003, E-Business Systems in Malta has been working on the development and enhancement of its e-learning platform, EBLearn. This platform provides a very user-friendly approach to blended learning. It allows for the seamless integration of the traditional classroom environments with the more modern online variations. The system allows full flexibility for student enrolment, which is particularly attractive for in-house learning environments. In this way students can enrol per programme, which would comprise a number of courses each with a number of modules in each course. Or they could choose to enrol for an individual course within a programme, or they could also choose to enrol for specific modules within individual courses of a programme. EBLearn was the winner of the Malta Communications Authority national e-Biz Award 2011 for Best Use of Technology in Education and Training. EBLearn is different to most e-learning applications on the market, since it is highly customisable and includes extensive facilities for self-learning or group learning within the system, which can be set to best fit the learning style and learning methodology of the particular institution. EBLearn is a turn–key solution to organisations that seek state-of-the-art solutions to enhance the learning experience of their participants. EBLearn is offered on a software-as-a-solution (SaaS) basis, which means that clients do not have to invest in hardware or in technical support teams to run the system. This ensures a tighter control on spend and a more cost efficient use of resources. Innovations and advantages of the offer The innovative aspects can be summarised as follows:

• Full flexibility in the design and development of content material for traditional classroom based courses, for blended learning courses (including a mix of on-line interactive or pre-recorded audio visual classes and traditional classroom classes) or for online courses (which include only document and audio visual material that is available on-line).

• Full flexibility in the operation of the system as it is provided on a SaaS basis allowing for quick scalability and strong business continuity and disaster recovery back-up solutions.

• Full flexibility in the management of the programmes with powerful course management tools available to administrators to enable them to use EBLearn system data to act proactively to improve overall student course participation and completion rates. EBLearn supports collaborative learning, online tutoring/mentoring, virtual assistance, online assessment and intelligent document handling. The EBLearn platform differs from most e-learning applications on the market, since it is highly customisable and includes extensive facilities for selflearning or group learning within the system. These can be set to best fit the learning style and learning methodology of the particular institution.

The innovative aspects can be summarised as follows:

• Full flexibility in the design and development of content material;

• Full flexibility in the operation of the system as it is provided on a SaaS basis allowing for quick scalability and strong business continuity and disaster recovery back-up solutions;

• Full flexibility in the management of the programmes with powerful course management tools available to administrators to enable them to use system data to act proactively to improve overall student course.

  • Malta Online

    33/4 Abate Rigord Street, Ta Xbiex,, XBX 1128, Malta Online

    Advenio eAcademy