Fundació Pere Tarrés
The Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work is integrated, along with ten other institutions, into Ramon Llull University. Ramon Llull University (URL), based in Barcelona, is a private non-profit university inspired by humanist and Christian values which seeks to perform a public service. URL’s main mission is to provide quality, person-centred education that responds to the needs of society.
The Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work is integrated, along with ten other institutions, into Ramon Llull University. Ramon Llull University (URL), based in Barcelona, is a private non-profit university inspired by humanist and Christian values which seeks to perform a public service. URL’s main mission is to provide quality, person-centred education that responds to the needs of society.
The Ramon Llull University-Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work is a leading centre for students and professionals committed to society and the quality of life of individuals and the community as a whole.
The Pere Tarrés Faculty is attached to the Pere Tarrés Foundation, one of the leading non-profit organisations in Catalonia and the largest devoted to education in leisure.
The Foundation’s mission is to promote personal development through education, especially in leisure, and through social action. Its work currently has nearly 500,000 beneficiaries thanks to a team of more than 3,000 workers and 4,000 volunteers.
Although the Foundation’s core activities are focused on giving support to children, adolescents and young people and their families, it also implements programmes aimed at elderly people and migrants and promoting mediation, community revitalisation, conflict management and the provision of consulting and support to improve organisations.Throughout a trajectory spanning more than 60 years, the training of workers and volunteers in the world of leisure education and social action has always been a central concern.
The Foundation was a pioneer in organising the first training for leisure monitors in the late-1960s and was also the first body in Spain to offer university studies in Social Education, now a degree subject, more than 20 years ago. Moreover, besides pioneering in the introduction of the first training courses in these subjects, the Foundation also acquired great historic and knowledge capital by taking over the University School of Social Work from the former Catalan Institute of Social Studies in Barcelona. The University School had taught this subject, now the Degree in Social Work, since the 1930s.
Future social education and social work professionals will become key actors in the promotion of social cohesion, integration and development, both personal and community.
We at the Pere Tarrés Faculty are social – what about you?
- Barcelona
Santaló, 37, 08021, Barcelona