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Technical College Reykjavik

Technical Col­lege Reykjavik was founded in 2008, but its history goes back to the 19th century. Technical Col­lege Reykjavík cons­ists of 8 schools and the Technical Aca­demy, offering around 50 study programmes and 800 courses each semester. Each school has its own hea­dma­ster as well as educati­onal independence.

The maj­o­rity of our programmes emp­hasize vocati­onal training for the skilled trades. Our stu­dents also have the option of graduating with a mat­riculation exam­ination which many choose to complete in parallel with their vocati­onal training. The many specialized fields we offer training in giving stu­dents certification in their chosen trade and multiple options after graduation, both for empl­oy­ment and fur­ther studies at the uni­versity level.

  • Reykjavík

    Háteigsvegur,105, , Reykjavík

    Technical College Reykjavik