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University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics


The University of Montenegro was founded in 1974 and is the oldest institution of higher education in Montenegro. It has 19 faculties and three institutes, with an academic community of about 17,000 active students at all levels of study, and more than 1,000 academic, professional and other staff. Since 2004, classes at the University of Montenegro have been organized in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration.

The University of Montenegro was founded in 1974 and is the oldest institution of higher education in Montenegro. It has 19 faculties and three institutes, with an academic community of about 17,000 active students at all levels of study, and more than 1,000 academic, professional and other staff. Since 2004, classes at the University of Montenegro have been organized following the principles of the Bologna Declaration.

Today, the University of Montenegro is an intellectual development of Montenegro - the centre of scientific research, cultural, artistic and innovative creativity. It is the oldest and at the same time the only state university in Montenegro. It is the most comprehensive higher education institution that provides education in the fields of social sciences, humanities, as well as technological, natural and medical sciences.

Classes are organized in accordance with the curricula of reputable universities in the European Higher Education Area, which, along with numerous agreements and programs, enables unhindered mobility for students, teachers and administrative staff. The studies are implemented in three cycles, undergraduate, master and doctoral studies. The model according to which they are implemented is 3 + 2 + 3, which means that undergraduate studies last for three academic years, with the exception of regulated professions and teacher education which lasts for five or six years. Postgraduate master studies last two, and doctoral three academic years. In undergraduate and master studies, candidates are enrolled at the expense of the State Budget.

The University of Montenegro is also a leading scientific research institution in the country, which strengthens its position through international cooperation and project activities aimed at supporting scientific research capacities. In addition to a very strong research activity in organizational units, the University also has three scientific institutes, the Institute of History, the Institute of Marine Biology and the Institute of Advanced Studies. As a central institution of science, culture and art, it continuously strengthens ties with the economic, social and international environment, through productive cooperation with business and the public sector. The University of Montenegro is a member of prestigious international organizations such as:

  • EUA (The European University Association)
  • Magna Charta Universitatum
  • AUF (The Francophone University Association)
  • Uniadrion (The University Network of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative)
  • NUSCT (Network of Universities of Small Countries and Territories)
  • BUA (The Balkan University Association)

  • Podgorica

    Bulevar Jovana Tomaševića, 37, 81000, Podgorica

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    University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics