83 Sociology programs found
- Social Sciences
- Sociology
83 Sociology programs found
Open University
Diploma of Higher Education in Criminology and Sociology
- Online United Kingdom
Full time, Part time
2 years
Distance learning
This Diploma of Higher Education in Criminology and Sociology offers you the chance to study topical and at times controversial, criminological and sociological subject matter. You'll be introduced to the social research process, exploring what social research is, how it’s conducted, and why it’s important so you'll become curious, inspired, and empowered to think critically about the process of producing knowledge about the social world.
Luiss Guido Carli
Foundation Programme on Social Sciences
- Rome, Italy
- Online Italy
Foundation Year
Part time
2 semesters
The Foundation Programme is a 2-semesters study program on Social Sciences which allows students with less than 12 years of schooling to fulfil the prerequisites for pursuing a bachelor’s program in Italy and thus in Luiss. The programme offers introductory courses in economics, law, socio-political studies, and, generally speaking, social sciences and critical thinking.
Berkeley City College
Associate of Arts in Sociology for Transfer (AA-T)
- Berkeley, USA
Associate of Arts
Full time
2 years
The Associate in Arts Degree in Sociology for Transfer Degree is designed for students planning to transfer into a sociology major. A study of sociology allows for the systematic study of human social institutions and social relationships. Students pursuing the AA for transfer into the sociology major will study the role of social theory, sociological research methods, social organization and structure, social stratification and hierarchies, dynamics of social change, family structures, social deviance and control, and applications to the study of specific social groups, social institutions, and social problems.
Mt. San Antonio College
Associate of Arts in Social & Behavioral Sciences
- Los Angeles, USA
Associate of Arts
Full time
2 years
This degree intends to prepare students for careers and/or higher education in the social sciences, generally, or in the specific disciplines within the overall social science designation. This degree emphasizes the nature of individual and collective human behavior; our interactions; the political-economic, social, and psychological structures and institutions of human beings; and the challenges of developing and sustaining interpersonal and intercultural relationships. This degree will enhance their ability to explain how groups and subgroups operate to make responsible political, moral, and social decisions.
City College Plymouth
Diploma in Social Science (Psychology and Sociology)
- Online United Kingdom
Full time, Part time
1 Year
Distance learning
Our CAVA Access to HE programmes at City College Plymouth offer fantastic opportunities to retrain for a new job and a more fulfilling career. This Access to Higher Education Social Science pathway can enable you to retrain in social science careers such as psychology, sociology, criminology, criminal justice services, drugs and alcohol counselling or philosophy and ethics. After completing this one-year, full-time course you could progress to university courses in psychology and other social science-related subjects – all depending on your aspirations and the combination of subjects you choose.
Edmonds College
Associate of Arts in Sociology
- Lynnwood, USA
Associate of Arts
Full time
2 years
Blended, Distance learning, On-Campus
Sociology examines how societies shape people's lives and how individuals shape the societies in which they live. Sociologists study social institutions, like the family, education, and criminal justice, as well as relations between groups based on race, gender, sexuality, and social class. Sociology courses allow you to gain skills for jobs in business, health care, criminal justice, government agencies, various nonprofit organizations, and other venues.
Oxford Summer Courses
Sociology and Anthropology Summer Course
- Oxford, United Kingdom
Summer course
Full time
2 weeks
Take a bigger picture view of life and discover who we are, how we live and the ways we interact with our environments for a supercharged social discovery. From species development to globalisation, we’ll explore the potential inside each and every one of us, coupled with the opportunities of the universe for an enriched experience of life.
Stanford Summer Session
Summer Course: How We Live and Die: The Social Context of Health and Health Care
- Stanford, USA
Summer course
Full time
8 weeks
In this course, we will introduce key concepts from the sociology of health and illness to examine the social causes and contexts of disease. We will apply theoretical concepts and frameworks to understand how health and illness are not only biological processes occurring within individuals but also social processes between people, groups, and institutions.
University of Cape Town
Study Abroad in Cape Town Course - Psychology, Political Science, Sociology
- Cape Town, South Africa
Full time
1 semester
Does human behaviour interest you ?Are you fascinated by a multidisciplinary field that is centred on understanding human behaviour and mental processes? Or are you interested in society as a whole and the science of political science? If so, take a few semester courses that will provide students with broad-based and cohesive knowledge of analytical, interpretive and integrative skills that not only have a practical value for society as a whole but moreover, are necessary and required competencies in a range of employment contexts. Join the Semester Study Abroad Programme today! Choose from a variety of bachelor and master’s courses, across a wide range of disciplines for international credit transfer.
Peninsula College
Sociology Emphasis, Associate in Arts Direct Transfer Agreement
- Port Angeles, USA
Associate Degree
Full time
2 years
Distance learning, On-Campus
Complete your Associate in Arts Degree, Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA) while exploring sociology. Sociology is the study of society, human social relationships, and institutions. Sociologists consider diverse subject matters ranging from crime to religion and from family to the state. They study how race, class, gender, and other factors shape outcomes. Sociology offers opportunities for students interested in a variety of career paths, especially those that seek to understand how social forces shape human behavior.
Tacoma Community College
Associate of Arts - Specialization in Sociology
- Tacoma, USA
Associate of Arts
Full time
2 years
TCC's program provides a solid introduction to the concepts, terminology, and current advances in the fascinating field of Sociology. TCC's Associate of Arts (DTA) degree with a Specialization in Sociology prepares students for successful transfer at the junior level in Sociology at our primary transfer universities, including the University of Washington-Tacoma, University of Washington-Seattle, Pacific Lutheran University, and others. Students transferring elsewhere should consult their university’s website and see their advisor.
Mission College
Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer
- Santa Clara, USA
Associate of Arts
Full time
60 hours
The Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer (AA-T in Sociology) is designed to provide a clear pathway to a CSU institution for students who plan to transfer and complete a CSU major or baccalaureate degree in Sociology. The Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer (AA-T in Sociology) provides a foundation for understanding many aspects of the social sciences and assists students in comprehending other behavioral sciences. The required courses offer a basic understanding of how people relate to one another, the types of relationships people form, and various aspects and difficulties of such relationships.
Riverside City College
Associate Degrees for Transfer in Sociology
- Riverside, USA
Associate Degree
Full time
2 years
Sociology is the overarching unification of all studies of humankind, including history, psychology, and economics for the purpose of studying human behavior as social beings. It encompasses all aspects of our social lives, including interactions, culture, groups, institutions, and global processes. Completion of the Sociology: Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) will prepare you to meet minimum lower-division admission requirements (60 transferable units) for transfer to a California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC) system. For the transfer to a UC, please consult with a counselor for additional courses that may be needed. The Sociology program map below includes all of your major coursework and recommended general education courses by term that is needed to fulfill your degree and transfer requirements.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Norwegian Language and Society for Foreign Students - One Year Program
- Narvik, Norway
Preparatory Program
Full time
1 Year
Norwegian, English
This One-Year program in Norwegian Language and Society is a perfect start if you are qualified for and want to continue at one of the Three-Year bachelor's degrees in Engineering or the Two-Year Master's degree program in Integrated Building Technology at the Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology in Narvik.
Delaware County Community College
Associate in Science, Sociology
- Philadelphia, USA
Associate of Science
Full time
4 semesters
The associate’s degree in Sociology is designed for students planning to earn at least a bachelor’s degree in Sociology. The program’s curriculum is also an excellent choice for students who desire a more comprehensive understanding of social group behavior, as well as those who plan to practice in one of the social science professions.
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Academic Courses Programmes in Social Sciences Sociology
Sociology aims to analyze and understand the various components that make up a society or civilization. Students learn how these societies are organized, as well as how they are sustained. Issues related to other humanities may also be studied.