72 Humanities Studies programs found
- Summer course
- Humanities Studies
72 Humanities Studies programs found
Franklin University Switzerland
Made in Italy Summer Course
- Lugano, Switzerland
Summer course
Full time
4 weeks
Discover the essence of the "Made in Italy" brand through this unique course. Analyze the impact of Italian media and fashion on global culture, and engage in site visits to iconic fashion and design locations in Milan. This experience is a deep dive into the influential world of Italian communication and style.
ISSOS - International Summer Schools For 13-18 Year Olds
IB Extended Essay Summer Course at Saint Andrews, Scotland
- Saint Andrews, United Kingdom
Summer course
Full time
3 weeks
The exclusive summer program of ISSOS offers high school students (aged 13-18) the unique opportunity to combine learning, creative enrichment and action-packed adventure in the world renowned and stunning university towns of St Andrews in the UK.
Prince of Songkla
Summer Course in International study program Phuket
- Kho Hong, Thailand
Summer course
Full time
2 semesters
The Summer Course in International Study Program Phuket Study Tourism and Economics at Prince of Songkla University (PSU), one of Thailand’s top 5 universities. You will study in an international study program that receives excellent student feedback year after year. Live on a paradise island that is much more than just beautiful beaches and learn more about Asian people, cultures, habits, and traditions. It’s easy to apply and your study placement can be confirmed as quickly as in one day.
Italian Academy
Sustainability Summer School in Sicily
- Syracuse, Italy
Summer course
Full time
2 weeks
Study Critical Global Issues in Sicily! Our four interdisciplinary study tracks are designed for students who wish to explore their academic interests outside of the classroom. As a study abroad destination, Sicily is a bit off the beaten path, but students who choose to study in Syracuse will find themselves in an enriching and thought-provoking environment.
University of Montana
UM’S Pre-College Summer Program Summer Exploration
- Missoula, USA
Summer course
Full time
13 days
UM’s Pre-College Summer Program Summer Exploration experience is a transformative live-in experience while exploring all aspects of student life as you engage with world-class faculty, explore iconic landscapes and communities surrounding Missoula, Montana, and build meaningful connections with other high school students and graduating seniors, like yourself.
Oxford Summer Courses
Philosophy Summer Course
- Oxford, United Kingdom
Summer course
Full time
2 weeks
Develop your skills of thinking and argumentation even further by engaging with some of the most challenging areas of philosophical inquiry, from the nature of knowledge to the extent of ethics.
Stanford Summer Session
Summer Course: The Ethical Analyst
- Stanford, USA
Summer course
Full time
8 weeks
We raise awareness of ethically sensitive situations and provide principles and tools for forming coherent ethical judgments regarding individual, government, or organizational actions. Students learn ethical theories and tools from which they create their own personal ethical codes and test them against established ethical principles, class discussion, homework, class presentations, and situations from work and life. The Ethical Analyst summer course addresses personal life, human action and relations in society, technology, medicine, coercion, harming, stealing, imposition of risk, deception, and other ethical issues.
Sciences Po Lille
Summer Course: International - EU Affairs and French Language
- Lille, France
Summer course
Full time
4 weeks
English, French
We are happy to announce that the registration for the 2025 Summer school at Sciences Po Lille will officially open February, 24th 2025. Be Part of the Summer School 100% dedicated to clarify the complexity of Europe's past, present and future!
Freie Universität Berlin
FUBiS Winter program 2025
- Berlin, Germany
Summer course
Full time
3 weeks
English, German
The Freie Universität Berlin International Summer and Winter University (FUBiS) is an intensive, academic program through which students can earn credits that may be counted towards their degrees at their home institutions. FUBiS sessions run for three to six weeks and take place both in summer and winter.
Universidad de Alicante
Summer Program: Language, Identity, and Global Citizenship
- Alicante, Spain
Summer course
Part time
1 Month
Distance learning
Spanish, English
Boston University Summer programs
Law for Sustainability (Earth & Environment Summer Course)
- Boston, USA
Summer course
Full time
6 weeks
Survey of the major features of environmental law and relevant procedural and constitutional issues. Comparison of practical realities (political, economic, social, geographic, biological) with the ideal context for what should be.
Sorbonne University - Summer School
Summer Course - Paris in Literature
- Paris, France
Summer course
Full time
1 week
The Summer Course - Paris in Literature. Through these courses, we explore the Paris of both stones and words - a fascinating journey that uncovers the lasting impact of the capital across time and cultures.
University of Pisa Summer - Winter Schools & Foundation Course
Summer School Search - School of Etruscology: Archaeology and Research in Cultural Heritage
- Pisa, Italy
- Volterrano, Italy + 1 more
Summer course
Full time
10 days
The "SEARCH - School of Etruscology: Archaeology and Research in Cultural Heritage” offers an intensive academic programme of 10 working days involving lectures, visits, small group tutorials and archaeological excavation activities, related to the history of the Etruscan city of Volterra situated in the north part of Tuscany.
Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford
Oxford and the Rise of Fantasy
- Oxford, United Kingdom
Summer course
Full time
3 weeks
Distance learning, On-Campus
What inspired the emergence and flowering of the fantasy genre in the 20th and 21st centuries? Oxford and the Rise of Fantasy offers a unique opportunity to examine the fantasy genre from its earliest origins to the present day, exploring at each stage the influence of Oxford and its writers.
University of Exeter International Summer School
British Cultures
- Exeter, United Kingdom
Summer course
Full time
4 weeks
This module aims to give you a distinctive critical introduction to British Cultures as broadly conceived. We will study a variety of different cultural forms and genres which range from the late medieval period through to the present day. This gives you the opportunity to study familiar texts in depth whilst introducing you to a broader and more diverse set of materials than you might yet have encountered. The aim is to equip you with the skills that will enable you to interpret examples of British Culture in relation to their historical, literary, and cultural contexts. The module is taught by a convenor with frequent guest contributions from academics in the department with research interests in particular areas.
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Summer course Programmes in Humanities Studies
Humanities and Social Sciences is a varied field of study that may prepare students for a wide variety of careers in a huge array of industries. Those who wish to work in social services, education or any career involving the arts may benefit from focusing on this area.
Summer courses are often an avenue used by students to attain additional certificates or qualifications outside of the normal school year. Whether they are bridging the gap between levels of study or adding to a career knowledge base, these courses can be found in almost any area of study.