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Riverland Community College

Riverland Community College

Riverland Community College


We will offer the best opportunity for every enrolled student to attain academic and career goals in an ever-changing world.

This revised vision statement focuses more clearly on students than the previous vision statement did. It also emphasizes the need to acknowledge the needs of each student individually, meeting them where they are. In the same way that Riverland’s approach to education focuses on meeting students where they are, and meeting the needs they have, an equity lens can be applied to all aspects of Riverland’s operations.

The revised vision statement also acknowledges the need to be flexible and responsive to change, at the individual student level, in response to changing economic drivers, and in a constantly shifting political and social environment. Nothing could be truer as we embrace a world more attuned than ever to how tenuous our grasp is on balance, order, and justice; and at the same time how interdependent our well-being is on each other’s.


  • Austin

    8th Avenue Northwest,1900, 55912, Austin
